Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New- Corn!

Hi guys!
So today the new item is...
This item is for the garden plot, which you could buy.
It grows with time too.
It's pretty cool, and I'm sure more items like these are on their way!
That's all for now!
Keep Rockin Jammers!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Rare Item Monday!

Hi guys!
So today the Rare Item Monday is...
Fox Hats!
You can change it into any of the original colors.
It's very expensive for Jamaa Clothing.
I'm a bit sad though because now Fox Hats have lost some of their rarity.
But oh well.
Keep Rockin Jammers!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hi guys...
I know I haven't been on in a LONG time and I'm really sorry.
Life just gets in the way, and my school is a drama house so yea. :/
So hopefully I am trying to blog daily again!
So the new item of today is...
A Crystal Peck Statue!
It is found in Epic Wonders for 3,000 gems.
Which Eightberry2 can sadly not afford...
Epic Wonders also has crystal statues of some of the other alphas such as, Greely, Graham, and Sir Gilbert.
All of them are 3,000 gems. I'll probably log back on later and earn enough gems to buy it.
So for now...
Keep Rockin Jammers!